51 research outputs found

    Spring migration of Ruffs Philomachus pugnax in Fryslân: estimates of staging duration using resighting data

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    Seasonal bird migration involves long flights, but most time is actually spent at intermediate staging areas. The duration of stay at these sites can be evaluated with mark–recapture methods that employ day-to-day local encounters of individually marked birds. Estimates of staging duration are based on two probabilities: the immigration probability, the complement of a bird’s seniority to an area, and the emigration probability, the complement of the staying probability. Estimating total staging duration from seniority and staying probabilities requires validation for resighting data and here we compare three data categories of Ruffs Philomachus pugnax passing through The Netherlands during northward migration: (1) newly colour-ringed, (2) previously colour-ringed and (3) radio-tagged Ruffs (recorded by automated receiving stations). Between 2004 and 2008, 4363 resighting histories and 95 telemetry recording histories were collected. As sample sizes for females were low, only data for males were analysed. Possible catching effects affecting estimates of staging duration were explored. Staying probability was estimated for all data. Seniority however, could not be estimated for newly marked Ruffs; the assumption of equal ‘capture’ probability for reverse-time models applied to estimate seniority is violated for seasonal resighting histories starting with a catching event. Therefore, estimates of total staging duration were based on resightings of previously colour-marked birds only. For radio-tagged birds a minimal staging duration (time between tagging and last recording) was calculated. Modelling indicated that newly colour-ringed birds had a higher staying probability than previously colour-ringed birds, but the difference translated to a prolonged staging duration in newly ringed birds of only 0.4–0.5 d, suggesting a very small catching effect. The minimal staging duration of radio-tagged birds validated estimates of staging duration for colour-ringed birds in 2007 but not in 2005. In 2005 a low resighting probability resulted in underestimates of staging duration. We conclude that (1) estimates of staying probability can be affected by catching although effects on staging duration might be small, and that (2) low resighting probabilities can lead to underestimates in staging duration. In our study previously ringed Ruffs resighted in 2006–08 yielded reliable estimates of staging duration as data had sufficiently high resighting probabilities. Average staging durations varied between 19 d in 2008 and 23 d in 2006.

    Space use by Black-tailed Godwits Limosa limosa limosa during settlement at a previous or a new nest location

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    Capsule Black-tailed Godwits first return to the nest location of the previous year, even when moving to a different nest location later that season. Aims To examine the use of space by Black-tailed Godwits during the two months before egg-laying to two weeks afterwards. Methods We compare the spatial distribution of sightings of eventually site-faithful birds with birds that changed nest location, and relate this to the change of the distance to their previous year's and current nest-site in the period until egg-laying. Using a log-likelihood model we establish how the differences in distance to the respective nests change over the course of the season. Results All birds were observed first near their previous year's nest-site, and remained there for most of the pre-laying period. Birds that subsequently changed nest location made the move only about five days before egg-laying and were more wide-ranging earlier on. Conclusion The return to the previous nest-site suggests that a decision to move is made only after considerable time investment near the previous nest-site. This indicates that site-faithfulness in Black-tailed Godwits is conditional on experiences after return to the nesting area

    Age-dependent timing and routes demonstrate developmental plasticity in a long-distance migratory bird

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    Longitudinal tracking studies have revealed consistent differences in the migration patterns of individuals from the same populations. The sources or processes causing this individual variation are largely unresolved. As a result, it is mostly unknown how much, how fast and when animals can adjust their migrations to changing environments. We studied the ontogeny of migration in a long-distance migratory shorebird, the black-tailed godwit Limosa limosa limosa, a species known to exhibit marked individuality in the migratory routines of adults. By observing how and when these individual differences arise, we aimed to elucidate whether individual differences in migratory behaviour are inherited or emerge as a result of developmental plasticity. We simultaneously tracked juvenile and adult godwits from the same breeding area on their south- and northward migrations. To determine how and when individual differences begin to arise, we related juvenile migration routes, timing and mortality rates to hatch date and hatch year. Then, we compared adult and juvenile migration patterns to identify potential age-dependent differences. In juveniles, the timing of their first southward departure was related to hatch date. However, their subsequent migration routes, orientation, destination, migratory duration and likelihood of mortality were unrelated to the year or timing of migration, or their sex. Juveniles left the Netherlands after all tracked adults. They then flew non-stop to West Africa more often and incurred higher mortality rates than adults. Some juveniles also took routes and visited stopover sites far outside the well-documented adult migratory corridor. Such juveniles, however, were not more likely to die. We found that juveniles exhibited different migratory patterns than adults, but no evidence that these behaviours are under natural selection. We thus eliminate the possibility that the individual differences observed among adult godwits are present at hatch or during their first migration. This adds to the mounting evidence that animals possess the developmental plasticity to change their migration later in life in response to environmental conditions as those conditions are experienced
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